This is a course that will help us create an incubator in our hearts for God’s reviving presence, activating each of us to walk in a lifetime of His presence. We will be active participants in this class as we seek God, wait on God, move with the spirit of God, and hear the word of God.
We will discuss the following topics and more:
1. Prayer and revival and how we can be active facilitators of His presence
2. What is revival, why is it needed, and what revival is not?
3. Continual personal revival
4. Characteristics and challenges of revival
5. Effects of revival
6. Examples of Biblical revivals
7. Studies of revivals and the torch bearers (Revivalists) of the past and their impartation to the church
8. When are we ripe for revival?
Required reading for the course:
1. Frank Bartleman - “AZUSA Street”
2. AZUSAStreet and Beyond, Tommy Welchel - “They Told Me Their Stories”
Optional reading for the course: Arthur Wallace – “Rain from Heaven”
Upcoming classes will be posted on the Discipleship Calendar.