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Re-think what is possible in YOUR marriage! You can have an outrageously happy marriage! A good marriage can become great! A bad marriage can become excellent! If you need a miracle in your marriage, a Weekend Marriage Intensive is the place for YOU!!!

Joel and Kathy Davisson, authors of The Man of Her Dreams, The Woman of His and Livin’ It and Lovin’ It will be hosting a three day Zoom Marriage Intensive.

This is part 2 for those who attended last time with a recap for those that did not attend. Sign up below. For more information, call Pastors Scott and Jodi at 203.934.0880.


Thursday, October 1, 7pm - 10pm
Friday, October 2, 7pm - 10pm
Saturday, October 3, 10am - 4pm

Cost: $125 per couple and includes two books.

Register below.