July 1, 2024

A simple message from God can cut through distractions, stabilize the soul, and help us follow Jesus faithfully. I made this statement during church, and it's born from my recent and ongoing experiences of adversity, shaking, and growth. A dear friend calls this The School of Christ. Are you in this school with me? 

Recently, I was talking with a young person, and they shared some of the challenges they face. My heart hurt for them as I listened to the anger, sadness, and despair in their voice. They did not use the word hopeless, but it's all I could think about as they lifted the blinds to their soul and let me see inside. In all of their talking, I hoped to hear their awareness of God's presence and word, but I didn't. They are overwhelmed by the what-ifs, could-be's, and might-be's. They were distracted and unstable. James says that a double-minded person (distracted) is unstable in all their ways. 

Does their story sound familiar? It does to me. I've been that person and probably will be again someday. That's why we need a simple message from God. God's message is not about intellectual superiority but the fact that it's a living, breathing word that releases power, stability, wisdom, and direction. 

A person can receive a simple message from God through:

  1. The Word of God

  2. The inner witness of the Holy Spirit

  3. A friend

  4. An unusual experience, such as a dream or vision

  5. Other sources, such as art, a song, a movie, or a poem

  6. Spending time in nature

When I was getting my haircut, my barber and I began discussing church and spirituality. I asked them if they believed God could speak to them. I then asked them if they believe God loves them. I didn't get to my third question because they were overwhelmed with emotion and shut down the conversation. I learned from that moment that there are people out there who don't know if God speaks, will speak to them, or loves them. Beloved, I strongly desire that you live with a steady and reliable word from God. It's a way to experience the power of God's nature and character. It's a truth that cuts through lies. It's a clear vision in a foggy world. A simple message from God can cut through distractions, stabilize the soul, and help us follow Jesus faithfully. 

GATEWAY EVENTS:  Click here.



Giving Report:  (*weekly income needed $23,000)

  • June 2: $28,734.41

  • June 9: $24,744.06

  • June 16: $20,532.71

  • June 23: $18,637.57

  • June 30: $17,819.65

  • Greater Things YTD 2024: $28,441.70

Current Mortgage Balance: $521,619.39

Thank you for your faithful giving. 

To learn more about Greater Things and participate, click here

Stay hopeful and healthy. I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Transforming Lives Together,

Lance Bane
Lead Pastor
Phone: 203-934-0880
Email: office@yourgateway.com