May 6, 2024

I'm sitting in the church atrium, watching many people drive by and looking at the freshly cut green grass and colorful trees. I'm out here because I'm looking for inspiration. Do you ever feel like you have lost inspiration? To be inspired is to be "imbued with a spirit to do something as if by supernatural or divine influence" [1]. It's easy to dilute inspiration as simply feeling motivated to do something based on an outside source. When we live inspired, we will enrich our lives with meaning by being correctly positioned to add value to others and consistently fulfill our unique and God-given purpose. 

One metaphor that accurately captures the distinct qualities of inspiration is fire. Fire needs oxygen, fuel, and heat. Inspiration needs the oxygen of God's Spirit and divine influence, the fuel of the cause more significant than our lives, and the heat of the human spirit in collaboration with the Holy Spirit. In my home, I have a fireplace, and I'm thankful. Without the surrounding brick structure, the fire in my fireplace may spread and damage or destroy my house. Our fires of inspiration also need fireplaces. Fireplaces can be friendships, systems, goals, postures of the heart, etc. We need additional elements to help our fires of inspiration burn in such a way as to add value to others, to ourselves, and ultimately to bring glory and honor to King Jesus. Additionally, as water or chemicals can extinguish a fire, our fires of inspiration can also be diminished or extinguished. It's important to note that realities such as sin, bitterness, offense, immorality, pride, mental health, fear, etc., will snuff out our inspiration. 

It's too easy to coast through life doing what's minimally required at work, home, with our friends, etc. Inspiration has to be fed. It needs fuel, oxygen, and heat. What if the legacy we hope to leave to those most important in our lives is made more confident when we choose to ignite inspiration, protect it, and leverage it for positive and life-giving changes? Find inspiration in your relationship with King Jesus. He's a master creator and knows what uniquely energizes you. Find inspiration through intentional dream-building conversations with others. Find inspiration through time alone with a book, on a hike, sitting at the beach, or doing crochet on your front porch. Find inspiration through reading biographies and stories of other men and women who have done remarkable things to serve others. 

I dream about a church, a group of people inspired to serve each other and our city. What excellent opportunities await us, and inspiration is probably a key that will help unlock the doors of opportunity. What dreams is inspiration creating for you?

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Giving Report:  (*weekly income needed $23,000)

  • May 5: $25,289.03

  • Greater Things YTD 2024: $19,077.44

Current Mortgage Balance: $529,794.33

Thank you for your faithful giving. 

To learn more about Greater Things and participate, click here

Stay hopeful and healthy. I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Transforming Lives Together,

Lance Bane
Lead Pastor
Phone: 203-934-0880